Is it free to use?
Yes, it is completely free for job seekers to use.
Where are the jobs to view?
We are not a job board, so employers do not post their jobs onto the platform. Instead, your profile is available for employers to review confidentially and anonymously. They can then invite you to review their opportunities so rather than you needing to apply to a job, job invitations come to you instead.
What types of jobs do you have?
We are not a job board, so employers do not post their jobs onto the platform for you to review. Instead, employers will confidentially review your profile, and then if they feel that you are suitable to apply, invite you to review the opportunity which can include videos on the company and job.
Do you specialise in any sector or function?
The platform is open to every employer to use so it covers all sectors and functions.
How would I receive job invitations?
When an employer invites you to review their vacancy, an email will be sent to the email address that you registered with, and if you added a mobile contact number, you also receive an SMS text. A job alert will show in your Jobs 2U Direct account within the Job Alerts tab. When you click on Job Alerts, you will be able to view the job details, and videos of the company/job if added, and decide if you wish to accept or reject the invitation. You will need to make a decision within 7 days of the job being received.
Can I reject a job invitation?
Yes you can choose to reject job invitations – we simply ask you to provide the reason from a dropdown.
Why do I need to complete a profile? Can I not just upload my CV?
The platform needs to ensure that your contact details and current employer are kept confidential and anonymous and therefore the best way to do this is to create a profile. It also assists employers when reviewing your profile.
Can I hide my profile after its created?
Yes you can move your profile to ‘InActive’ which means that your profile would not be available for employers to review. Should you decide to start receiving job invitations in the future you can then simply move your status back to ‘Active’.
Why would I create a video profile if I want my details to remain confidential?
You have the option to create a video profile however only allow the company to view your videos after you have accepted their job invitation and are comfortable that your profile will not be compromised. Additionally, you have the option to create an audio video which should protect your identity.
How do I create a video profile?
You have the option to create 3 videos and the platform will walk you through the process. There are also help videos to assist you with creating your videos.
What happens if my CV does not upload correctly?
you can send your CV to support@jobs2udirect.com and we will create your CV profile on your behalf.
What if I don’t have a CV
You can create your CV profile manually within the platform.
What if I am looking for both permanent & temporary contracts? Do I need to add my profile twice?
No, you can either register as a Permanent job seeker and select “Open to temporary opportunities” or register as a Temporary job seeker and select “Open to permanent opportunities”
Why can’t I register as a Permanent and Interim or Temporary and Interim job seeker?
Interim professionals normally operate under a limited company and therefore would not apply to Permanent or Temporary roles. If an Interim professional wishes to also look for Permanent and Temporary work, they will need to register as both an Interim and Permanent or Temporary job seeker using different email addresses.
Should you have any additional questions, then please email them to: support@jobs2udirect.com